Holistic Wellness Professional ・Integrative Health Coach・ Social Justice Advocate ・ Multidisciplinary Artist

Holistic Wellness Programming + ADHD Research @ Rutgers

Professionally, I hold dual roles at Rutgers University: coordinating university-wide holistic wellness programming through the new ScarletWell initiative for Rutgers-New Brunswick's 72,000+ students, faculty & staff as well as managing communications & DEI projects for the Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology (GSAPP)'s Center for Youth Social Emotional Wellness (CYSEW).
Concurrently, I also serve as a Steering Committee Member with Garden State Equality (GSE)'s Queer BIPOC Network, and volunteer my time as an ESL tutor and local food bank distributor.
In my primary role with ScarletWell, I support day-to-day operations and execution of programs & events for the holistic wellness program, reporting to ScarletWell Director (Dr. Peggy Swarbrick) & Rutgers-New Brunswick Chief Wellness Officer (Dr. Joshua Langberg) and serving 72,000+ students, faculty, and staff; project management examples include Wellness Connection Grant initiative, Rutgers Wellness Calendar, educational wellness presentations to Rutgers community, social media content creation

Research Publications
The following are publications & research projects I have written since 2012.
They include my undergraduate Psychology BA Honors Thesis,
graduate Sustainable Tourism Management MSc Graduate Thesis, and
research publications from my time at the state advocacy nonprofit Our Children Oregon.